Field Dates Worked
OpenPath Products October 2020 - Current
Quality Support Inc. / Progeny Systems January 2018 - May 2020
University of Maryland - Baltimore County August 2013 - December 2017
Certification Date Certified
CSM Scrum Master October 12, 2021
CompTIA Security+ October 30, 2019
Project Name Project Type Dates Worked
Character Sheet Mobile Application June 2014 - May 2016
Salty Seagull Video Game September 2017 - December 2017
Free Food & Stuff Mobile Application December 2017
Pokemon AI Web Scraper/AI September 2018 - October 2018
Raspberry Pi Game Console Hardware March 2019 - May 2019
Discord Bot Web Service March 2020 - Current
Focus App Mobile Application May 2020 - May 2020
Character Sheet App (5e) Mobile Application May 2021 - August 2021
Pokerole Character Sheet Mobile Application September 2022 - September 2022
Pokemon WatchFace and Tile WearOS Application May 2022 - November 2022
Digimon TCG App Mobile Application April 2023 - Current
My Goal
The greatest value I can get out of a company is growth. I love to learn and want to continue to expand my skillset as far as I can. The more tools I can equip, the better I can tackle any and all problems.
I am actively learning more programming languages to add to my vault of experties. I think developming my own programming language would be fun one day. I don't believe I would ever make something as useful as C#, but I would like to make a language as silly as whitespace, but still at least useful.
I have a list of apps that I would like to develop in the future. I think the Android SDK is super easy to use and app development is really fun.
Finally I would like to see my projects page require a scroll wheel while maximized on my monitor!